The Digital Story of the Nativity
The Christmas season always brings many different re-enactments of the birth of Jesus from nativity figurines to school plays. But what if the
Create Your Own Social Media Newspaper
Have you ever wanted to pick up a newspaper that had articles you were actually interested in reading? Well perhaps a quick visit to is
The Rebirth of Myspace
I’m sure we can all remember designing the layout for our Myspace page, adding music from our favourite bands, photos of ourselves and our
How iPhone Apps Can Help Make You a Healthier Person
Social media is a great way to share information and build relationships online but did you know that it can also be a great resource for
Tech Savvy Tots: How Young Is Too Young?
Technology has taken the inevitable leap towards a younger target market and experts are urging parents to monitor and limit their children’s
Amber Alert Uses Facebook To Reach Masses
Ontario’s Amber Alert program has begun a new journey through Social Media giant Facebook. As of Friday October 8th their Facebook page has