Tag: linkedin
Neilson 2016 Social Media Report Highlights Interesting Stats

It’s that time of the year again and I’m super excited to be checking out Neilson’s 2016 Social Media Report! If you’ve never read it before, the document highlights the social landscape of the past year, looks at trends and outlines interesting facts/stats. It’s a goldmine for presentation content and also makes for an interesting read, especially when you compare it to reports from years prior. There’s something exciting about watching your industry thrive, grow and develop over time!
Just a few pages in and the stats speak for themselves. Computer usage/accessibility has dropped while smartphone and tablet usage grows. Additional stats further strengthening the notion that mobile is here to stay and smartphone usage is taking over. The bottom line and underlying message of this year’s report: if your content isn’t mobile friendly, you’re in for a rude awakening.
Every single demographic has shown significant growth when it comes to time spent using social media and that’s all contained within the first 6 pages! The document outlines internet purchases, content ratings, engagement, simultaneous usage, TV versus social and so much more. Dedicate some time this week to go through the document and pick out some key facts that pertain to your business or how you use social media. To view or download the full 2016 report, click here.
Holiday Posting Times

It’s no secret that winter can be pretty dreary and painfully long but it does offer up a lot of joy during the holidays. As a brand, there are plenty of opportunities to sell, engage and inspire your audiences online but with so many family gatherings, parties and the desire to hibernate, when is best? As with any other time of the year, there are certain days of the week and certain times of the day that are best when it comes to gaining the attention of your followers. It’s also important to remember that every platform is different, not only in regards to what they offer but also how users engage with brands on those platforms.
Do you have any tips for businesses that want to engage audiences online during the winter?
Do you find you engage more or less with brands on social during the colder months?
2016 Social Image Size Guide

Visual content is incredibly important in the digital realm but sometimes tracking down and updating image sizes for each social platform can be time consuming. We found this great infographic from Constant Contact that outlines image sizes for some of the most popular social platforms so the next time you need to create a branded graphic or refresh your current images, you can get it done in no time!
How Social Media Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

Social Media Changing How Businesses Recruit Talent

Every single day thousands of businesses are using social media to recruit talent online. Linkedin still rules the web as the place to be for employers, but more companies are now starting to use Facebook and Twitter to find employees as well. Check out this infographic below to see how social media has changed the way businesses recruit talent. As a business do you use social media to find employees? Which platforms do you find most effective?
Blab Media Invites Windsor To Celebrate Social Media Week
In the past few months social media has grown leaps and bounds in Windsor-Essex. On the week of September 19th, Blab Media is planning a variety of events to get the city involved in a social media week celebration. For the social media duo, Katie Stokes and Jessica Apolloni, this week is a chance for Windsor-Essex to explore the world of social media and focus on what a positive impact it has on our city.
“This week is about generating some excitement, sharing our knowledge and just having fun!” says Apolloni. The activities begin with a Social Media Startup Drinks event, which will take place at Mick’s Irish Pub from 6pm-8pm on Wednesday September 21st. There will be social media games, prizes, discussions and networking. Blab Media will even be giving away a free social media makeover to one lucky winner (valued at $800)!
The following day Blab Media will be offering two free workshops to the general public: Twitter; Making Sense of Micro-blogging and Linkedin; Networking For Professionals. These workshops will take place at the New Canadian Center of Excellence at 660 Ouellette Ave (Next to The Bull & Barrel Urban Saloon). Seats are limited so anyone that is interested must pre-register. It is required that all participants have basic computer skills and have created a Twitter and/or Linkedin account prior to attending.
On the evening of Friday September 23rd feel free to join Blab Media and other members of the community for an open discussion about social media in Windsor-Essex. Share your thoughts on the city’s progress, make suggestions and voice your opinions downtown at The Snooty Rooster on Ouellette.
“We wanted to offer a variety of events that would appeal to everyone,” says Stokes “Whether you’re looking to make new connections, learn how to use social media platforms or just share your thoughts on Windsor’s social media scene, there’s something for everyone and we’re encouraging people to get involved.”
For more information on the Windsor-Essex Social Media Day celebrations and to register for workshops please visit www.getyourblabon.com
5 Ways To Get Linkedin Working For Your Business
Create a company profile
Take the time to set up a profile for your business on Linkedin. It’s a simple process that will give you a presence on the social network. When users search your company name or make generic searches within your industry, your page will be available. In addition, you can add your company name to your page as a current job and it will link back to the profile so if any of your connections are interested in learning more, they don’t need to leave the website. As long as you already have a personal page on Linked in, you qualify to create a company profile.
Get Your Employees Involved
Chances are at least some of your employees have a presence on Linkedin. Encourage them to add the company name to their current job title and they’ll show up on the company profile as an employee. This can help your business gain credibility and gives your employees’ connections a chance to learn more.
Include the Linkedin Widget on Your Website
Take advantage of your presence across multiple platforms and use the Linkedin widget on your company blog or webpage. The widget allows visitors to interact with your content and re-post something they like to their own Linkedin connections therefore spreading the word about your business. The more people share your content, the more likely you are to attract new visitors.
Join Groups
Linkedin is more than just a profile page; it’s all about interaction with your connections and learning to network on a new platform. Groups are designed to attract niche users who enjoy discussing certain topics. For example, as a graphic designer, there are many groups you can join with other established graphic designers that act as a forum for questions and niche networking. You can also join groups based on your location or groups designated for a specific event. Participation in groups is a great way to generate leads without seeming pushy and it can help you establish a solid base of potential connections for the future. As a group member you can participate in any discussions as well as start your own so if you have a question you’ve been dying to get another experts opinion on, this is the perfect platform. You can also submit articles, search for jobs or even post your own job adds if you’re looking for new employees.
Say Active by Asking and Answering Questions
Linkedin Answers allows users to ask questions to other members or answer questions that have already been asked. Participating in an activity like this can really show others your expertise and knowledge on a certain subject which can help provide solid business leads from members who require your services. This area of the site also presents a great opportunity to learn more about your industry and stay up to date on the latest trends by gathering knowledge and insights from other members. If you answer enough questions where your answer is selected as the best, you will eventually earn the title of expert and an expert star will be added to your Linkedin profile. This can increase your exposure on the site and lets your connections know just how credible you are.